
Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Changing the world through sport
Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Ep 114
Aileen McManamon
Changing the world through sport
Conversations That Matter features Aileen McManamon an expert at creating social good from sport. McManamon embraces Nelson Mandela’s dictum that, “Sport has the power to change the world” and to that end we in Canada are missing out on opportunities to influence change.
McManamon points to the FIFA Women’s World Cup in 2015, “what we did well as a country, was to put on a great sporting event. What we didn't do well was to take the occasion to talk about things like gender equality. And the women's World Cup presented a unique opportunity to do that. Because Canada's hosting was the first time that that field had been expanded from 16 to 24 teams. So that was a big leap toward parity on the sporting front. And we really missed that opportunity to deal with that. And we also missed a number of economic opportunities.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Friday Nov 18, 2016
Friday Nov 18, 2016
Friday Nov 18, 2016
Episode 113
Louise Mandell
Conversations That Matter features Louise Mandell who for the past four decades has been at the heart of aboriginal and treaty litigation, work that has lead to a shift in the colonial paradigm. Mandell says the old arguments of distinguisher rights have been dropped, “we've reached the point where crown governments and indigenous governments are now able to build trust, collaborate, cooperate, and actually build systems that talk to one another in a good way.”
According to Mandell we may have come a long way but we’re not there. We’re not living in a country that has reconciled. She is hopeful, “think if we intend to listen to each other, to help indigenous people with capacity to heal from colonization - in their own way, if we intend to be making decisions about the land, if we intend that indigenous people are going to be self-determining in ways that we are self-determining as a culture and we intend this for our children, we are so gonna get there.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Thursday Nov 17, 2016
The path to leadership in complex organizations for women
Thursday Nov 17, 2016
Thursday Nov 17, 2016
Petra Kuret - The path to leadership
Conversations That Matter features Petra Kuret on the path to leadership for women in complex international organizations. Kuret says it starts with picking the right company, a company with a culture that promotes diversity and opportunity for all. Kuret leads an executive team of five at Accenture, British Columbia, four women and one man.
The path to leadership is complex for anyone and more so for women. Kuret points out, “in addition to the culture of the company, women need to be willing to stretch beyond their comfort zone, develop that next level of skill set, take intellectual risks, develop mentors and find a work life integration all the while developing leadership skills.” The journey to leadership is challenging in a global company but Kuret says, “it’s path that will allow you to realize your full potential”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Thursday Nov 10, 2016
What is a citizen city?
Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Gregory Henriquez - What is a Citizen City?
Conversations That Matter features Gregory Henriquez the architect that re-imagined the old Woodwards’ site turning it into a model of community redevelopment. A model that respects the needs of the Downtown Eastside and appreciates the market value of the site. Henriquez says he was motivated by his belief, “that a complete society needs to be inclusive and reflect the diversity of our population. A city that has the goal of embracing inclusivity and finding ways to enable it to be as good as it can be.”
Henriquez has shared his insights in a new book, “Citizen City”. He contends, “the goal is to create physical environments that reflect the nature of our society and how we can nurture it to make sure that the urban environment is something that allows everyone to feel at home.” He goes on to say, “it sounds simplistic but by working with marginalized populations, you start to understand the sense of place we feel as privileged Vancouverites isn't always the same as for people who have challenges.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Vancouver's Chinatown on the endangered list of national treasures
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Episode 110
Carol Lee - Chinatown, a town worth saving!
Conversations That Matter features Carol Lee of the Chinatown Foundation who says, “we’re on the cusp of losing one of Vancouver’s treasures.” Lee points out, “Chinatown was established over 130 years ago and has had a big influence on who we are”. At first it was the only place Chinese people were allowed to live, it grew into a dynamic centre of innovation, determination and entrepreneurialism. In the late 80’s property values in Chinatown were topping the Vancouver charts, today it is a neighbourhood in transition.”
Carol Lee says, “it’s a transition that we need to manage, one that respects the irreplaceable history of the area, reflects the values of the people that it forged and at the same time accommodates the natural development process. One that will respect the unique character of the neighbourhood.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.

Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
The USS Gridley
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Episode 109
CDR Marc Crawford
The USS Gridley
Conversations That Matter features Commander Marc Crawford of the USS Navy guided missile Destroyer the USS Gridley (DDG-101) when it was in town flying the flag, which is one of 24 different missions the warship can and is ordered to carry out. The USS Gridley is changing home port from San Diego, Ca. to Everett Washington, it is one of four destroyers that will up the amount of firepower in the Northwest substantially.
The USS Gridley is an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer which Commander Crawford describes as, “509 feet, 9,200 tons of combat power” and life on board is challenging. Crawford points out, “ life on a US Navy ship is unusually arduous sea duty, with an emphasis on arduous.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.

Thursday Oct 20, 2016
The Hillary Doctrine: Sex and American Foreign Policy
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Episode 108
Patricia Leidl
The Hillary Doctrine: Sex and American Foreign Policy
Conversations That Matter features International Communications Advisor Patricia Leidl, the co-author of the Hillary Doctrine: Sex and American Foreign Policy, a book that took shape following Clinton’s statement that the subjugation of women constitutes an international security threat. Leidl says, “30 years of very robust surveys demonstrate where women are disempowered, where women face high levels of violence, you're going to also see higher levels of state and non-state armed violence, higher rates of criminality, higher rates of autocracy and higher rates of terrorism.”
Leidl highlights the fact that, “This is not a soft issue, it's a critical, hard security issue. And unless we tackle this head-on we're going to find ourselves in situations that are going to continue to create even greater instability all around.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
Pamela McDonald - Practice Informed Investing
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
Episode 107
Pamela McDonald
Practice Informed Investing
Conversations That Matter features Pamela McDonald on the safeguards designed to protect investors. Yes, believe it or not there are safeguards and the BC Securities Commission is charged with that responsibility. McDonald says, “we take that responsibility very seriously and we do it in a number of ways. We license and oversee the people who deal in investments, we make and enforce the rules of conduct and we educate investors to empower them with the tools that allow them to make informed decisions.”
Knowing yourself and your investment style is vitally important and it informs your relationship with your investment advisor. McDonald says there are five distinct investment personalities, “They are: confident, diligent, reserved, impulsive, and tumultuous. Your personality matters.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Thursday Oct 06, 2016
The State of Electricity in BC
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Episode 106
Jessica McDonald
The State of BC Power Generation
Conversations That Matter features BC Hydro CEO, Jessica McDonald in a wide ranging conversation about the her company’s significant investment in electrical upgrades and Site C. McDonald says, “We don't need just Site C by 2024, we need Site C plus more capacity right around that time. We can’t just turn around tomorrow and have the asset we need to serve the economy of 2024, the industrial and commercial loads that we anticipate. We have to build now.”
McDonald points out that Site C is the last major power generation project the province will allow to be built. BC Hydro is spending $2 Billion per year on aging and new infrastructure, McDonald says, “we’re doing this to ensure BC’s electricity system remains affordable, reliable and clean.” She goes on to point out that 98% of the power generated in BC is clean energy.
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Wednesday Sep 28, 2016
A New High School
Wednesday Sep 28, 2016
Wednesday Sep 28, 2016
Episode 105
Graham Baldwin - Senior High, A New Approach
Conversations That Matter features Graham Baldwin on why it’s time to treat high school seniors with respect. Baldwin contends that if we “treat people in grades 10 through 12 a little bit more like adults than high school children, in an attempt to get them ready for not only going to university, but succeeding there. We want them to be ready for success.”
He created what he calls a “Miniversity” where seniors study intensive 20 day blocks of only one subject. Baldwin says, “we’ve re-imagined everything really back to the bare bones and knowing what we know now about learning, knowing what we know now about universities, what would grade 10 through 12 education look like for people
who are preparing for that?”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv