
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
Conversations That Matter - Ep 74 - Ujjal Dosanjh - Self Censoring
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
Episode 74
Ujjal Dosanjh
Why are people in authority positions self censoring?
Conversations That Matter features Former Premier of B.C. and free speech advocate Ujjal Dosanjh who contends people in power in Canada are self censoring and in doing so are preventing open and honest discourse about issues that form the fabric of Canadian society.
In a January opinion piece, Dosanjh appeared to be coming to the defense of white men, he says, “I was not defending white men; it was more about saying to everyone, how can you have a free exchange of ideas on important issues of race, ethnicity, discrimination, prejudice, racism. How can you have a free exchange of ideas, an honest exchange, if some men who have power, generally, aren't expressing themselves freely. I want to know what they think.”
Dosanjh has been attacked and beaten for saying what he think and continues to do so because he maintains if we cower from vigorous debate then we deprive ourselves, “ If you give into those with pipes or iron bars, then you won't get very far. And it's the same if you give into people who want to shut you out because you differ with them, or you challenge their ideas, or their world view.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Friday Feb 19, 2016
Conversations That Matter - Ep 73 - Sid Katz - Dogwood 25
Friday Feb 19, 2016
Friday Feb 19, 2016
Episode 73
Sid Katz - Dogwood 25
A helping hand to inner city indigenous students.
Conversations That Matter features Sid Katz the co-founder of Dogwood 25 and after school program for inner city indigenous students designed ensure they graduate from high-school, “in the Lower Mainland the graduation rate is at least 20% lower than the graduation rate of non-Aboriginal children.”
Together with former Premier of B.C. Mike Harcourt, Dogwood-25 was created to ensure First Nations youth are given the education and self confidence they require to realize their full potential. Katz points, “energy-based companies, are looking for Aboriginal workers and can't find qualified workers”
Dogwood refers to BC’s High School graduation certificate, the obtaining of which is at the core of the program. Katz says, “ we want young Aboriginal students to see what the possibilities are and move towards them. And ultimately it comes to academics, pushing, being pushed, really is the best way to do it. And the comfort zone has to be there as well. So, for Aboriginal children, why you're there and what you intend to accomplish and what is that incredible job at the other end of the line?”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Conversations That Matter - Ep 72 - Anna Tudela - Women in Mining
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Episode 72
Anna Tudela
Is it possible to attract women to mining
Conversations That Matter features Anna Tudela of Goldcorp discussing the challenges facing mining companies committed to increasing women in their ranks at all levels. Tudela says, “we’ve been encouraging women not just in the roles that are easier to join, but in the work of mining because we want to ensure we have the workforce we require for the future”
Tudela acknowledges that mining is a tough business. Mines are in remote and frequently inhospitable locations that require long periods of time away from family. These reasons plus a male culture that has traditional been unable or unwilling to accommodate the needs of women are the reasons the industry has a low percentage of female workers. While those reasons are valid, they are not sufficient to stop Tudela and her “Creating Choices” program designed to increase the number of women to the field, “we have graduated over 1200 women in the program.”
“It all depends on what you want in life”, says Tudela, “do you want the experience, are you willing make the commitment and in so doing discover what you are capable of?”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Conversations That Matter - Ep 71 - Vancouver Police Chief Adam Palmer
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Episode 71
Chief Adam Palmer
Meet the new Vancouver Chief of Police
Conversations That Matter features Chief Adam Palmer who took on the top job in the spring of 2015, we sat down with him to talk about his vision for keeping Vancouver safe. Palmer says, “when Jim Chu retired he left the department in a very good place. I was fortunate to take over a department that's in a good situation.”
Moving forward, the challenge is to stay on top of potential threats, Chief Palmer says the key to maintaining and improving safety is a complex and many faceted approach to crime prevention and enforcement. Chief Palmer points out, “the drop in crime over the last 10 years in Vancouver has been more dramatic than that in some other cities. And some of it is that proactive work. Also, our targeting of prolific offenders. But one thing that's really helped us in Vancouver is our very robust analytical capability. We have analysts, specially-trained civilians, that are providing data to the front-line officers to help make us more effective.”
Chief Palmer says the same is true in anti-terrorism, “we have Vancouver police officers that are part of the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team. That's a joint-effort with the RCMP. We have VPD officers that work on that team dealing with any kind of national security or counterterrorism type issues.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Monday Feb 01, 2016
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Episode 70
Dr. Kevin D’Amour
Promising Stem Cell Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes
Conversations That Matter features Dr. Kevin D’Amour who is leading a San Diego based research team that has FDA approval to develop a stem cell treatment for Type 1 Diabetes. The promise lies in the delivery of, “a stem cell that has great proliferative power to make many cells, and to treat many patients.”
D’Amour points out that the proliferative power of the cell needs to be harnessed to produce islet cells, “We call that differentiation, or the process of differentiation, where the immature cells become more mature cells”.
To date ten patients have been implanted with the device, “it is encouraging. No one has ever done anything quite like this before.” Phase Two is set to start in 2016.
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Monday Jan 25, 2016
Conversations That Matter - Ep 69 - Dr. Joseph Sung
Monday Jan 25, 2016
Monday Jan 25, 2016
Episode 69
Dr. Joseph Sung
The SARS “Asian Hero” on Traditional Chinese Medicine
Conversations That Matter features the man Time Magazine dubbed the Asian Hero during the SARS outbreak. Dr. Joseph Sung is the Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Hong Kong, a global leader in Gastroenterology who has published more 800 full scientific articles and written more than 25 books. In short he is a highly respected health care practitioner.
Dr. Sung is also actively working to introduce holistic approaches to patient care, in particular Traditional Chinese Medicine, “what we're striving at. To try to put together the best of care in terms of Medicine, in terms of Physical and Mental health for the recovery of the illness.”
Dr. Sung points out that TCM and Western medicine compliment one another rather than compete, “in Chinese Philosophy and Chinese thinking, health is keeping our balance. And in Western Medicine, this is the term sometimes we use called Homeostasis, and that is to keep the balance of the electrolytes, of our hormones and so on. I do believe that a lot more can be done to find out how they fit into each other to provide the best care.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Saturday Jan 16, 2016
Conversations That Matter - Ep 68 - Saul Minkoff - Social Entrepreneurism
Saturday Jan 16, 2016
Saturday Jan 16, 2016
Episode 68
Saul Minkoff
Social Entrepreneurism
Conversations That Matter features Saul Minkoff’s adventure in Social Entrepreneurialism. In 2013 he was part of a team competing for the Hult Prize offered by the Clinton Global Initiative to create a business that would help provide food security for 20 million people by 2020.
Minkoff and his team developed an ingenious phone app that allowed women to save money on their mobile phone. Minkoff says they started with “women, in slums who have a little bit of leftover change. Instead of taking that money and putting it literally under the mattress, they could go to the local corner store and hand that change over to the vendor who would create an SMS account that became a mobile banking system. They could literally text the balance to them.”
Entrepreneurial ventures targeting issues related to poverty around the world are growing in numbers headed by young women and men committed to changing the world by putting market forces to work.
Even though Minkoff’s team did not win the $1,000,000 Hult prize they were committed to their idea and attempted to make it work on a much smaller budget. They were unsuccessful due to a myriad of challenges associated with being under-financed. Minkoff says it was a good idea and he’d do it again given the chance.
He also encourages others who are considering a Socially Entrepreneurial venture to move forward and make a difference, “If you fall flat on your face like I did, you have the option to get back up. So, I'd say, the differences between people who succeed in ventures and don't, often times is just getting started. Just do it.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Friday Jan 08, 2016
Conversations That Matter - Ep 67 - Peter Xotta - Port Metro Vancouver
Friday Jan 08, 2016
Friday Jan 08, 2016
Episode 67
Peter Xotta
Where and what is Port Metro Vancouver
This week’s Conversations That Matter features Peter Xotta of Port Metro Vancouver a Federal entity that touches 16 municipalities in the lower mainland. He goes on to say most ports in Canada have a one municipality to one port relationship. Xotta says when he talks to shippers from around the world about Vancouver’s port, they tell him, “We have the most complex port environment”.
It’s a port that generates $500 million of activity every day and supports 100,000 jobs across Canada. Xotta says “so these aren't the mining jobs, these are the transportation jobs in various parts across the country and of course, a lot of that activity is here in the lower mainland. About 10 billion dollars worth of GDP contributed through that transportation activity.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Saturday Jan 02, 2016
Conversations That Matter Ep 66 Dr. Michael Lyon - Weight Management
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
Episode 66
Dr Michael Lyon
Healthy Weight Management
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Dr. Michael Lyon one of Canada’s top obesity experts who says we’ve been conned by the weight loss industry into believing there is a magic formula to losing weight and keeping it off. He says, “eat less and move more” is only half true.
He has dedicated himself to understanding how the human body works, why it puts on weight and never wants to lose it. He maintains the key to managing a healthy weight is complex but it can be done. “you get into a long term mindset where you know, this is gonna be something I work at ‘for the rest of my life.’ It's something you work at every day. That doesn't mean necessarily that weight maintenance is harder, it certainly requires daily vigilance, and as time goes on the key is you have to develop a new rhythm of life.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Monday Dec 28, 2015
Conversations That Matter Ep 65 - Buffy St Marie - Cradleboard
Monday Dec 28, 2015
Monday Dec 28, 2015
Episode 65
Buffy St. Marie
Cradleboard - Helping First Nations youth realize their full potential
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Buffy St. Marie who says her career lived at the intersection of social activist and artist. She points out that artists tell the stories of our times in ways that resonate. Over the past five decades Ms. St. Marie has been a voice for First Nations in Canada and the United States.
The Cradleboard project was a concept she developed in the early days of personal computing that allowed First Nations communities to connect and celebrate their individual and collective heritage. “this put aboriginal people in the driver's seat of delivering who they are to remote partners of the same age and they’d discuss everything from clan mothers to medicine. It’s a journey of discovery about each other’s cultures and their own. It’s putting kids in touch with kids and it promotes self-esteem”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv
Episode 65
Buffy St. Marie
Cradleboard - Helping First Nations youth realize their full potential
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Buffy St. Marie who says her career lived at the intersection of social activist and artist. She points out that artists tell the stories of our times in ways that resonate. Over the past five decades Ms. St. Marie has been a voice for First Nations in Canada and the United States.
The Cradleboard project was a concept she developed in the early days of personal computing that allowed First Nations communities to connect and celebrate their individual and collective heritage. “this put aboriginal people in the driver's seat of delivering who they are to remote partners of the same age and they’d discuss everything from clan mothers to medicine. It’s a journey of discovery about each other’s cultures and their own. It’s putting kids in touch with kids and it promotes self-esteem”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv