
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
A Conversation That Matters with Dallas Smith
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
Episode 43 Dallas Smith
A new model of First Nations engagement
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Dallas Smith the Board President of the Nanwakolas Council - a council of seven first nations on northern Vancouver Island and the Central Coast. Formed in 2007, the council serves to speak as one voice in its relations with governments and business partners.
Mr. Smith says the Tsilhqot’in decision, “brings little justice, what it brings is the possibility of opportunity but it hasn’t done anything to really make communities a better place to live.”
He goes on to say relationship building within First Nations and with all others is fundamentally important. The Nanwakolas Council is making it easier to do business with First Nations, Mr. Smith says, “we’ve created a land use vision that all of our nations in council agree upon.” He says this benefits First Nations, governments and industry because they speak as one voice and put certainty in land use decisions.
Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
A Conversation That Matters with Graydon Nicholas
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
Episode 42 Nicholas Graydon
The Path Forward
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Graydon Nicholas, the 30th Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick, Judge and member of the Tobique First Nations.
His Honor discusses the challenging path of his life and that of First Nations in Canada, he says in light of the Tsilhqot’in decision all Canadians now have an opportunity to start the healing process that will lead to opportunity and success for all.
Mr. Nicholas provides context and offers insight into First Nations severe relationship with Canada. He is hopeful and echoes the sentiments of Chief Justice McLachlin in saying the decision is another step towards reconciliation.
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Monday Jul 27, 2015
A Conversation That Matters with Dr. Linc Kesler
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Episode 41 Linc Kesler
We’re not done with the past
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Linc Kesler Professor of First Nations and Indigenous studies at UBC who says Tsilhqot’in and the Truth and Reconciliation report and the beginning of a National healing process that has only just begun.
Professor Kesler says, “we all need to have a deep knowledge and appreciation of the history of Canada and its relationship with First Peoples. Until we do, we can’t heal the deep wound in the country has suffered.”
According to Professor Kesler, First peoples want to be a part of Canada, they want to participate in its richness of this country, they want to contribute. He points out the path to a better future must start by healing the past.
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Monday Jul 27, 2015
A Conversation That Matters with Lt. Col. Harjit Sajjan
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Episode 40 Lt. Col. Harjit Sajjan
A better way to fight terrorism
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Lt. Col. Harjit Sajjan who says there is a better way to fight terrorism than Bill C-51.
The veteran of two tours of duty in Afghanistan and a former gang squad team member with the Vancouver Police says nothing beats person to person contact. He points to his intelligence gathering on gang members and on Al Qaeda.
Lt. Col. Sajjan says electronic surveillance equipment is merely a tool. He says, “the most valuable resource in counter-terrorism is human. Highly skilled security forces that know how to target threats and then get inside the network to develop true intelligence.”
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Monday Jul 27, 2015
A Conversation That Matters with Dr. Max Cynader
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Episode 39 Dr. Max Cynader
Better brain health
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Dr. Max Cynader the founding Director at the Brain Research Centre at UBC who says, “if you want to have a healthy brain treasure your sleep because it’s vitally important.”
The renowned neuroscientist details what you can do to ensure you have the healthiest brain possible. Dr. Cynader says it comes down to a range of lifestyle choices that include sleep and exercise something he says most of us are lacking.
Dr. Cynader says the brain is complex yet looking after your brain is relatively straightforward, sleep, exercise, stress reduction, don’t smoke, eat healthy and drink alcohol in limited amounts.
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Monday Jul 27, 2015
A Conversation That Matters with Dr. William Happer
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Episode 38 Professor William Happer - Princeton University
Carbon drought?
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Professor William Happer of Princeton University on the unique properties of carbon and why he believes we’re in a carbon drought.
The renowned physicist says when it comes to CO2 there’s more good than bad. He goes onto say most of CO2’s effect has already happened. He points to the logarithmic dependence of temperature on CO2 levels.
Happer says the unique properties of CO2 mean that current levels would need to double for another one degree increase in temperature and they’d have to double again for another one degree rise.
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Monday Jul 27, 2015
A Conversation That Matters with Carol Baird Ellan
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Episode 37 Carol Baird Ellan - Past Chief Judge Provincial Court of BC
The leadership path for women
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Carol Baird Ellan the Chief Judge of the British Columbia Provincial Court (2000 - 2005) on overcoming the obstacles women face in seeking leadership roles.
Baird Ellan says the path women must navigate includes family, societal views and expectations and a lack of appropriate mentoring. She points out that in her career she was encouraged to strive for success, was supported by her family but wasn’t never mentored in the realm of commerce and finance. As a result she says she focused on aspects of her career at one of the city’s major law firms without an appreciation for business development.
Eventually she her climb stalled. She says, “it’s important to know the overall logistics of the firm. I excelled at making clients happy but I was taken to task for not doing enough client development, for not seeing the bigger picture of the firm and where it wanted to go. As a result I did well in one area but I wasn’t viewed as partnership material.”
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Monday Jul 27, 2015
A Conversation That Matters with Dr. Elspeth Ritchie
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Episode 36 Dr. Elspeth Ritchie, Col (Ret) US Army
PTSD - The common cold of psychiatry
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Dr. Elspeth Ritchie the Chief Clinical Officer in the Department of Mental Health for the District of Columbia who says, “when it comes to PTSD we’re all vulnerable.”
According to Dr. Ritchie, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder happens to people who, “have had a trauma and as a result of the trauma you relive the event, maybe have flashbacks or intrusive thoughts, have numbing and avoidance, you stop going out, you don’t want to be near anything that reminds you of the trauma, you have sexual dysfunction and more.”
Dr. Ritchie goes on to highlight a number of holistic strategies to help those struggling with PTSD.
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Monday Jul 27, 2015
A Conversation That Matters with Mary Ackenhusen
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Episode 35 Mary Ackenhusen - President and CEO Vancouver Coastal Health
Shattering the Glass Ceiling
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Mary Ackenhusen the President and CEO of Vancouver Coastal Health who explores the issue of the glass ceiling, is it still there or has the landscape changed. According the Harvard Business Review, “the glass ceiling metaphor is now more wrong than right.”
However, to say women have equal access to top is also wrong. It’s widely understood the path to the executive suite is different for women. Ackenhusen points out one of the challenges many women have is an aversion to taking career risks. She says, “when I talk to young women about what make a difference, you have to put your hand up and say I’ll try to do that even you don’t know how.” She goes on to address a wide range of skills and talents needed to make it to senior management.
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Monday Jul 27, 2015
A Conversation That Matters with Tamara Vrooman
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Episode 34 Tamara Vrooman - President and CEO VanCity
The role of financial institutions in shaping our economy and community
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Tamara Vrooman the President and CEO of VanCity Credit Union on the role financial institutions play in shaping the community we call home. Voorman says, “We think about the kind of society and the kind of community and the kind of economy we want to create. We think about the allocation of capital, who gets money and who doesn't. It's probably one of the most powerful determinants of the future.”
Vrooman goes on to say, “If we give capital to a small business or a group of entrepreneurs locally, as opposed to allocating capital to a multinational that may just be coming here for a few years and moving on, it makes a profound difference to the quality of life and the future structure and viability of our communities. So we think banking's vitally important to communities and society, not just economies and finance.”
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv