
Sunday Mar 08, 2015
A Conversation That Matters with Jordan Bateman - No to Transit Referendum.
Sunday Mar 08, 2015
Sunday Mar 08, 2015
Episode 23 Jordan Bateman
No to the Transit Referendum
This week’s Conversation that Matters features Jordan Bateman who says vote No.
Bateman says Translink has wasted too much of taxpayers money to be trusted with any more of it. As proof he points to the former CEO Ian Jarvis’ salary. He goes on to point out Mr. Jarvis’ move to restore public confidence by stepping down did exactly the opposite. Bateman contends taxpayers are fed up and he’s encouraging them to vote against that tax increase.
Bateman maintains that in the face of a No vote the government and Translink will have to clean up the transit system and he contend in doing so they’ll find the money they need to make the improvements that new tax is designed to underwrite.
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Saturday Feb 28, 2015
A Conversation that Matters with Michael Geller - Yes to Transit Referendum
Saturday Feb 28, 2015
Saturday Feb 28, 2015
Episode 22 Michael Geller
Yes to the Transit Referendum
This week’s Conversation that Matters features Michael Geller who says vote YES.
Geller says he finds it astounding how the debate has become focused on all the wrong things. He says all people want to do is focus on is how much the CEO makes and should he be fired when according to Geller the real issue is do we need improved transit and how are we going to pay for it.
Geller also believes that No does not equal status quo rather it will be a slide into greater congestion and a further reduction in service. He says if the NO side wins no one will come to rescue the system.
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Saturday Feb 28, 2015
A Conversation that Matters with Michael Geller - Yes to Transit Referendum
Saturday Feb 28, 2015
Saturday Feb 28, 2015
Episode 22 Michael Geller
Yes to the Transit Referendum
This week’s Conversation that Matters features Michael Geller who says vote YES.
Geller says he finds it astounding how the debate has become focused on all the wrong things. He says all people want to do is focus on is how much the CEO makes and should he be fired when according to Geller the real issue is do we need improved transit and how are we going to pay for it.
Geller also believes that No does not equal status quo rather it will be a slide into greater congestion and a further reduction in service. He says if the NO side wins no one will come to rescue the system.
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Episode 21 Cody Battershill
A loud proud Canadian in full support of resource development.
This week’s Conversation that Matters features Cody Battershill of Canada Action.
Battershill contends the world needs natural resources and he says as stewards of the environment no other exporting country can match Canada’s protection standards. He argues manufacturers are going to buy the resources from someone so it might as well be use because of our environmental record.
He goes on to discuss Alberta’s oil sands and refutes the claim that it is a climate bomb. His figures says the entire oil sands industry contributes less than 0.15 per cent of the Global Greenhouse emissions.
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
A Conversation that Matters with Bill Gallagher author of Resource Rulers
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Episode 20 Bill Gallagher
Native, Government and Legal Strategist and Lawyer
This week’s Conversation that Matters features Bill Gallagher the author of Resource Rulers.
Gallagher has been watching and counting the impressive number of Court Decisions that side with First Nations. He is pro-business, pro-environment and joint venture with First Nations every step of the way.
Gallagher points out if you want to develop any resource in Canada then the first stop you need to make is to the First Nations in the area. Once there your job is to earn the respect of your future partners.
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Saturday Feb 07, 2015
A Conversation that Matters with Dr. Corey Nislow on Pharmacogenomics.
Saturday Feb 07, 2015
Saturday Feb 07, 2015
This week’s Conversation that Matters features Dr. Corey Nislow on Pharmacogenomics.
Nislow says, 2015 is the year genomics gets real. From his lab at UBC he is working on a pilot project with the BC Pharmacy Association and Genome BC that moves us one step closer in the promise of personalized medicine. His study will verify the validity and the logistics of delivering designer medicine to patients in their local pharmacy.
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Friday Jan 30, 2015
Friday Jan 30, 2015
This week’s Conversation that Matters features Jim McIsaac of the BC Commercial Fishing Caucus.
McIsaac says, since the restructuring of the commercial fishing industry in the 90’s communities up and down the coast have been disenfranchised from the sector that was their lifeblood. He says, it comes at a time when fish stocks are well managed and robust. McIsaac points out fishing is a fraction of its former size.

Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Sunday Jan 25, 2015
This week’s Conversation that Matters features Gary Herman of the Industry Training Authority.
Herman says the province is on the cusp of a serious job crunch. Over the next seven years close to one million jobs in BC are going to come available through a combination of new opportunities and mass retirement from the Baby Boom generation. Trades make up a substantial portion of those jobs and Herman is working with the Province, employers, educators, parents and young people to train the workforce of tomorrow.

Monday Jan 19, 2015
Conversations that Matter featuring Robin Archdekin of Geoscience BC
Monday Jan 19, 2015
Monday Jan 19, 2015
Episode 16 Robin Archdekin
Geoscience BC
This week’s Conversation that Matters features Robin Archdekin of Geoscience BC, he talks about monitoring the province’s resources including the water needed for hydraulic fracturing.
Archdekin says Geoscience BC provides an invaluable resource to people who want and need unbiased information about the state of natural resources in the province. He says, “we gather the data and publish it without any agenda, regardless of the outcome, good or bad and we make it available to everyone. ”

Sunday Jan 11, 2015
A Conversation that Matters minute with David Keane on LNG in BC
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
This week’s Conversation that Matters features David Keane the President of the BC LNG Alliance.
Keane says the LNG industry in BC is alive and well. He points out, “these are longlife projects, they take a long time to come to fruition. The market is going to be there, the demand in Asia Pacific is going to remain robust, it may be declining currently but our forecasts show it is going to grow over time.”
Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv