
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Operation Health Care with Dr. Brian Day
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Operation Health Care
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Dr. Brian Day who says our medical system is broken. He’s been advocating for change for more than a decade. He’s so frustrated he’s gone to court to demand that you get the right to purchase insurance that will allow you to have timely access to treatment. Day points to Quebec and says, “all I want is for people in BC to have the same rights as people in Quebec, they’re allowed to have it, so why can’t we?”
Day points to the more than 85,000 people who sit on surgery lists in BC and wait and wait and wait. He says, “we know that if you are a person with a physical job, and you wait for more than a year to get a 45-minute operation, then the odds of you returning to your job are less than 10 percent.” Day says he’s committed to a strong public health care system in Canada, a system he maintains we don’t have but could.
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
A City on The Edge
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Ep 144
A City on The Edge
Site C Uncertainty
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Fort St. John a town on edge. With all the talk about pausing or cancelling Site C no one is looking at the impact on the people who work on the project, the impact on the City and Not For Profit organizations.
Jamie Hartnell is a carpenter foreman at Site C, he loves his job. It’s long term, it’s good work and it allows him to go home to his family at night. If the project is cancelled he worries he will have to leave his hometown and look for work elsewhere. The official unemployment rate is the highest in the province at 10%, unofficially it’s higher. Hartnell says, “there won’t be another job like this in Fort St. John”
Mayor Ackerman says the City will lose more than $1 million dollars a year BC Hydro is committed to pay during construction. Not For Profit organizations will also be hit. Add in the downturn in oil and gas and Fort St. John is a City on the edge.
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Frailty - It's a Killer
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Dr. Grace Park who is spearheading Fraser Health’s Frailty Project CARES, she warns that frailty can rob you of your golden years and your life. She goes on to say there is hope, you can live a healthy and meaningful life well into your 90’s so long as you get off your butt, change what you put in your mouth and work with your physician.
CARES is an extensive project that includes clinicians, community resources like fitness centres, social gatherings, and dietary advice. At the core of the project is the Geriatric Assessment Tool that produces data that is applied to a frailty scale. Where you sit on that scale is a precise measurement that informs you, your doctor and everyone else associated with your health with an accurate picture on your well-being.
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Friday Jun 09, 2017
Smart Patients helping one another with Dr. Roni Zeiger
Friday Jun 09, 2017
Friday Jun 09, 2017
Ep 142
Dr. Roni Zeiger
Smart Patients
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Dr. Roni Zeiger who left his role as Google’s Chief Health Strategist to create Smart Patients, an on-line network of what he calls, “micro-experts”. Zeiger says, “we believe patients are the most underutilized resource in health care”
Far too many patients are uncertain, they don’t fill prescriptions or when they do they don’t take the medication. Zeiger believes the medical profession has created silos where the patient has questions that keep coming up once they’ve left the doctor's office. He goes on to say they talk to one another all the time and frequently follow the recommendations of a friend with confidence because they witnessed the result or simply believe them.
Zeiger decided to create the forum that lets patients talk to one another about their specific health issue secure in the knowledge that a medical professional is monitoring the conversation to ensure the information is valid as well as offer further insights.
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Did Canada miss out on Asia? with Stewart Beck
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Stewart Beck of the Asia Pacific Foundation on the opportunities Donald Trump’s isolationist and anti-trade rhetoric aimed at Asia, present to Canada. Did we squander the endowment that was created in 1970 by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau when Canada was the first nation in the world to recognize the government of the People’s Republic of China?
Many experts believe Canada relied too heavily on our relationship with the United States and in doing so missed out on China and Asia. Australia recognized the opportunities and negotiated trade deals with both China and Japan while Canada did little or nothing.
The question is, does a unique opportunity to distinguish ourselves from the United States exist now that Donald Trump sits in the President's chair in the White House?
What are we doing to seize that opportunity and use it to our advantage in international relations? How should we move forward to take part in Asian markets, where previously we’ve failed to rise to the occasion? In particular, what is our nation’s plan in recognizing and moving in on opportunities in Asia Pacific: an economic region that is called home to 65% of our worldwide population.
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Thursday May 25, 2017
Tic Toc, Come on Doc when is my surgery?
Thursday May 25, 2017
Thursday May 25, 2017
Ep 139
Dr. Kevin Wing
Tic Toc, Come On Doc when is my surgery?
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Dr. Kevin Wing, the Past President of the BC Orthopaedic Association who talks about wait times and what he and his colleagues are doing to reduce the wait and relieve pain.
Are you or someone you know living with chronic pain? Have you ever wondered why it takes so long to see an orthopaedic surgeon? Then, why it takes longer still to get a date for surgery? How come someone in a car accident, or an on the job injury, gets into surgery within hours, but you wait, and wait, and wait?
Orthopaedic surgeons have been asking the same questions and they’ve broken down the wait time into what they call “Wait 1” and “Wait 2.” Wait 1 time is the period between when your physician refers you to an orthopaedic surgeon and when you get to see that surgeon. Wait 2 time is the space between your consultation for surgery, and the actual surgery. As it stands, in combination these wait times can take up to 2 years. This has become unacceptable in the eyes of patients and Doctors alike. Dr. Wing says, “we’re doing everything we can to reduce wait 1 time but wait 2 times are out of our hands, it’s really up to the Government to decide if they want to fund more surgery time.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Thursday May 18, 2017
Losing Faith in just about Everything
Thursday May 18, 2017
Thursday May 18, 2017
Bridgitte Anderson
Losing Faith
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Bridgitte Anderson of Edelman, a global communications and marketing company. She shares insights from the company's international survey on trust. She says. “ globally and in Canada, we're losing faith across the board.”
Anderson points out, “we are losing trust in governments, politicians, business, media, and non-government agencies.” In the aftermath of Brexit and the US Presidential election where misinformation was the order of the day, we appear to have lost our trust in leaders and are we also losing trust in the conduit between us and them, the media?
President Trump labeled gold standard media outlets as fake news and his followers believed him. Mainstream media lived in a bubble echoing their belief that they, and they alone, knew what the real story was only to have missed it. Online media feeds you stories and information that support your perspective and rarely the other side of an argument.
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Thursday May 11, 2017
Treating ADHD with Nutrition - Karen Ryan
Thursday May 11, 2017
Thursday May 11, 2017
Karen Ryan
Treating ADHD with Nutrition
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Karen Ryan, a mother of a child that was clinically diagnosed with ADHD who quit her job as a nutritionist to care for her son. What she discovered was that neither stimulant nor nonstimulant drugs were an option for her son.
Ryan says, “as a nutritionist I believed there had be other ways of dealing with this. So I researched the crap out of it and learned that it’s a multipronged syndrome so it deserves a multipronged approach.” Ryan points out, “there is no such thing as a magic pill, what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for someone else. So what you really need to do is educate before you medicate.” She goes on to say, “I would never advocate to a parent do not medicate your child but before you do, talk to me and I will give you a mental tool box that you can exhaust and if that doesn’t work then by all means go the route of medication.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Thursday May 04, 2017
The Problems with Sex with Maureen McGrath
Thursday May 04, 2017
Thursday May 04, 2017
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Maureen McGrath a “Sexpert” who says sex is one of the most contentious issues in relationships. She says, “many couples go months if not years without sex. For some this works because it’s what both partners want but the problem arises when one partner wants sex and the other doesn’t.”
The reasons are many and they range from sex is taboo to the disruptive nature of technology, body image challenges, recreational use of erectile drugs, porn, boredom and that’s just the start of it. McGrath works with people to help them, help they need because as she points out, “sex is still a very much a taboo subject. And people are not comfortable talking about it. They'll sneak about because they were raised with guilt or embarrassment or shame around sex. Or a lack of appropriate education.”
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv

Friday Apr 28, 2017
Bringing Back Hope with Dr. Rick Hodes
Friday Apr 28, 2017
Friday Apr 28, 2017
Ep 1345
Dr. Rick Hodes
Bringing Back Hope
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Dr. Rick Hodes of Addis Ababa a man on a mission to save the lives of children with horribly twisted spines. The degree of deformity is mind boggling, how can the spine be so corrupted? They’re terrified but they know Dr. Hodes by reputation as a kind and caring man. “My policy is everybody gets seen on the day they come in. The average age is probably about seven or eight and they range from literally two, three weeks old to up into their 50s.” And treat them he does, he transforms their bodies and saves their lives.
Over the past 29 years Dr. Hodes has relied on the generosity of health care practitioners from around the world including Vancouver to bring help and healing to thousands. The work he is doing not only helps those affected but it is also providing insights into what is possible in the human body, “we're discovering new deformities that we never knew existed we have an alpha deformity, we have a gamma deformity. We have a saxophone deformity, it's sort of like spinal deformity on steroids.
Conversations That Matter is a partner program with the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. Join veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish each week for these important and engaging Conversations shaping our future.
Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at www.conversationsthatmatter.tv